About imec.istart


Imec.istart – imec’s business accelerator –  is the first investor and supporting partner to scale your tech startup. The imec.istart program offers a broad range of services such as initial financial injection (100,000 up to 250,000 EUR pre-seed funding), personal coaching and mentoring, access to technology and working facilities, access to a broad (inter)national network of partners and investors and more. Since its launch in 2011, imec.istart helped more than 340 tech startups in diverse fields to develop into sustainable ventures. 

imec.istart is ranked world's best university linked Business Accelerator by UBI Global

Startups interested in joining the 12 month imec.istart acceleration program, can send in their application during our Open Call months (Sept, Jan and May)



Imec.istart - imec's business accelerator - is de eerste investeerder en ondersteunende partner die jouw tech startup helpt op te schalen. Het imec.istart programma biedt een breed scala aan diensten, zoals initiële financiële injectie (100.000 tot 250.000 EUR pre-seed financiering), persoonlijke coaching en mentoring, toegang tot technologie en kantoorfaciliteiten, toegang tot een breed (inter) nationaal netwerk van partners en investeerders en nog veel meer. Sinds de lancering in 2011 hielp imec.istart meer dan 340 tech startups op verschillende gebieden om zich te ontwikkelen tot duurzame ondernemingen.

Imec.istart werd verkozen tot 'werelds' beste acceleratie programma gelinkt aan een universiteit' door UBI Global

Startups die geïnteresseerd zijn om deel te nemen aan het 12 maand durende imec.istart acceleratieprogramma, kunnen hun aanvraag indienen tijdens onze Open Call maanden (september, januari en mei)


Logos and visuals


Download the logos here

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Key Figures


Imec ranked number one start-up accelerator by UBI Global

Imec's accelerator program, imec.istart, is ranked number 1 in the 'World Top Business Accelerator - Linked to University' category. UBI Global unveiled its biannual ranking of top university incubators and accelerators at the World Incubation Summit in Ghent, Belgium. The ranking puts imec.istart at the top of the list of accelerators for technology startups.

Some notable startups

Some notable startups that have followed our acceleration program


Contact us

Our team loves to work with journalists from all around the world to make and share interesting startup stories. If you're a member of the media and would like to talk, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Myrthe Holvoet Communication Officer (myrthe.holvoet@imec.be)

Sophie De Bleecker Marketing Officer (sophie.debleecker@imec.be)

Sven De Cleyn Program Director imec.istart (sven.Decleyn@imec.be)